
oh spring, oh spring...

Where for art thou, oh spring...

Winter seems to be delaying it's leaving and so if you can't beat it, join it.  We spent a bit of time outside the other day, it was mild and the air was lovely, so fresh & pure.   I love outdoor pictures, the clarity and crispness of them make even my little ol' camera look good.   In honor of winter's last hoorah I've changed my banner for a wee while to my little loves all bundled & snug, until warmer days set in. 

Sorry, no other pictures today.  We are off to a homeschooling conference and are currently scurrying about getting ready & trying to find a sitter (where has my mum been all week *worry*).  We may even tempt mayhem by taking the brood with us.

Oy, I just read the fine print... "Children under 13 - Please understand that ***** loves children; it
is for their well-being and future we exist. This conference, however,
is intended for parent enrichment, and we are unable to accomodate
.  Nursing babies are welcome."   

What kind of homeschooling conference doesn't allow children??  I guess one of us will stay home with the kids. I'll provide an update after I process it all.

1 comment:

  1. That's a tough one. I keep enlisting my folks and in-laws when Dr appts and stuff come up too. I don't know any babysitters. I hope things worked out for you and that the conference was informative.


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